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Touraj Daryaee_The Games of Chess and Backgammon in Sasanian Persia
[ Скачать с сервера (275.7 Kb) ] 02.12.2013, 14:21
This essay attempts to review the history of the games of Chess and Backgammon in Persia and to demonstrate their significance in the Persian society. The earliest text on the game of Chess and Backgammon is found in Persia, which is known as Wizārišn ī Čatrang ud Nihišn ī Nēw-Ardaxšīr (The explanation of Chess and the Invention of Backgammon) which although its date of composition is unclear, based on the text points to the sixth century CE during the reign of Xusrō I (530-571 CE), known as anōšag-ruwān (immortal soul). The authenticity of the narrative of the story has been questioned and it has been pointed out that due to the literary nature of this Middle Persian text we cannot
establish its historicity. But what is important is that both the Indic and Middle Persian sources point to personages mentioned in the sixth century CE.

Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: mich13 | Теги: Čatrang, Persia, Touraj Daryaee, backgammon, IRAN, нарды, Сасаниды, шахматы, сhess
Просмотров: 337 | Загрузок: 49 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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