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Harold Livermore_The Twilight of the Goths (The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Toledo c. 565–711)
[ Скачать с сервера (2.14 Mb) ] 15.11.2013, 11:36
Were there already Spaniards in the sixth century? Were those Visigoths who sacked Rome in 410 and abjectly lost Spain to the Muslims in 711 the people, who emerged as barbarians from what is now TransDanubian Romania,
also the same people as those who were idealized in fifteenth century Spain as the very pattern and mould of Castilian nobility and chivalry? Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.
Change, politicians often say, is to be welcomed: they are in a position to profit by its favours and soften its reverses. Many Romans were inclined to seek the Golden Age in the remote past, as did Don Quixote in addressing his audience of shepherds: he hoped, with divine aid, to restore it.
Divergent and opposing perceptions of the Visigoths still exist. For those who follow the destinies of the Roman world they are unquestionably barbarian intruders. But Germanists may consider the Visigoths almost as renegades, detached from the northern world.3 The difference is largely accounted for by the fact that remains of the German world are mainly physical, while Romanism survives as an intellectual force.As St Isidore, the great figure of the
seventh century, foresaw, the future lay in the fusion of Roman culture with Gothic strength.
The great champion of the Roman tradition could not have foretold the disaster that followed two generations after his death...

Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: mich13 | Теги: Toledo, готы, Испания, Livermore, Goths
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